Bus and subway

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Looking at two pictures and studying them, I can say that in the first picture is a public bus, and in the second, a subway. The bus is outdoors, that is, its traffic is in the streets, and there are buses in all parts of the city, and people can take advantage of buses as they are everywhere. However, there are many accidents, bad accidents with the bus. We often meet in the streets and are in a panic. Traveling by bus in summer is almost impossible, as it is very hot and often gets worse. The Metro is underground, and has both advantages and disadvantages. First, I start with the advantages. First, the metro has a clear time to come. That is, if we are at the metro station at the right time, you will be able to use it. The meter is safer because there are no accidents. We also avoid traffic jams while sitting in a subway. The metro is relatively cool and comfortable. It also allows you to walk, as people on a bus come down to the right place where they need it and give them a subway. Let me also note that you get faster with the subway. But there is a sad fact that the subway is not everywhere. For example, there is no subway in my place of residence and, unfortunately, I do not use it. But if I create the opportunity, I will use it together.

Sport Girl


Most of all, this picture captured me. As you can see in the picture is a young girl. He is tall, with a beautiful smile. As it is seen in the picture, he is in the garden. The girl is engaged in sports, which is the most profitable thing in the world. Green space, fresh air, fresh and bright morning, this is what gives the girl a beautiful smile. Let’s talk about sports.

Sport includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators. Hundreds of sports exist, from those between single contestants, through to those with hundreds of simultaneous participants, either in teams or competing as individuals. In certain sports such as racing, many contestants may compete, simultaneously or consecutively, with one winner; in others, the contest (a match) is between two sides, each attempting to exceed the other. Some sports allow a tie game; others provide tie-breaking methods to ensure one winner and one loser. A number of contests may be arranged in a tournament producing a champion. Many sports leagues make an annual champion by arranging games in a regular sports season, followed in some cases by playoffs.

Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession.

In my opinion, when choosing a profession, the parents’ opinion should be taken into consideration because they have the experience of life and knowing our type, they can give good advice that will knock us down. But they should not oppose our choice. If they doubt about our strengths, capacities and professions, we will only have to work hard and convince them. When I wanted to become an orientalist, my mother was amazed that I had such a thought. In my opinion, my preferences were toward other subjects. However, knowing that news, he immediately rejoiced because he liked that profession. In his opinion, this is a very serious and important faculty, and you have to work hard, learn and develop. I am glad that my parents take into account my opinion and allow me to choose my favorite profession.

First aid

First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury,[1] with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to promote recovery. It includes initial intervention in a serious condition prior to professional medical help being available, such as performing CPR while awaiting an ambulance, as well as the complete treatment of minor conditions, such as applying a plaster to a cut. First aid is generally performed by the layperson, with many people trained in providing basic levels of first aid, and others willing to do so from acquired knowledge. Mental health first aid is an extension of the concept of first aid to cover mental health.

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Big Business

Danny was standing on Manhattan Bridge. Suddenly he noticed a still burning cigarette-end on the sidewalk and rushed to save it; a few deep puffs and Denny sent little blue clouds of smoke into the mild air of the early spring.

            While enjoying the smoke he thought over his present situation. What’s the use of it all, he said to himself; here I am, a young man looking for a job of some kind or other – but not the ghost of chance of getting one.

            And I am certainly no fool! I am good at anything. I don’t mind what I do – and still – no luck… I must smoke dog-ends thrown away by others… Oh, boy! What does a man do to become a partner of Rockefeller? They started on a small scale, the same as I should like to, and I am quite sure they were not very particular about the way in which they made their money – and I shouldn’t be either!

            And still there is only eight dollars and fifty cents in the torn pocket of my trousers. The devil knows how much longer I shall be able to make both ends meet on eight fifty! A week? A fortnight?  A month? ……Where, for Heaven’s sake, could I pick up a job?

          Now it is beginning to rain cats and dogs on top of all, and I have a hole in my shoes. A hole? It’s holes I have, nothing but holes and no shoes round them… Where can I hide from the rain? I’ll go to the post office for a while.

          By the time he reached the post office he was wet through. He stood in the main hall of the post office watching the people hurrying busily this way and that, and then picked up a letter somebody seemed to have left behind on one of the many writing desks. He read the first few lines hardly knowing what exactly he was reading; then something struck him. He read again and this time he gave a whistle of surprise. In no time he was out in the street again, looking back started to learn by heart the short note.

          “Dear friend,” it ran, “Yesterday shortly before I left I made up my mind to get rid of my old clothes. I’m on my way to San Francisco by now, but I just remembered something terrible: The night before I left I happened to meet Mr. Burbridge. He paid me a thousand dollar in settlement of an old debt. He gave me a one thousand dollar bill, and I put it into the inside pocket of the blue worsted suit I was wearing. But I have sold that suit along with the other old things. Do please go at once to the old clothes dealer, maybe he has not resold the suit yet…”

          One thousand dollars!  whispered Danny with excitement. That sum might be the making of me…Damn it, I am going to risk my last eight dollars!


Black and Son, the secondhand gents’ clothiers, had their shop full of customers when Danny entered. Old man Black, his sleeves rolled up, wiping the sweat of his face, and after giving instructions to his employees who were busy carrying clothes about the shop, hurried towards Danny to serve him.

“What can I do for you, sir?”

“Have you got anything in tweed?” asked Danny with seeming indifference.

“Tweed, sir? Certainly, the very latest…My assistant will attend to you. John, run and bring the tweed suit we bought from Mr. Rockefeller the other day!”

“Well – I think, I’d like something in navy blue.”

“I can let you have a suit like that, sir. Something quite exceptional,” exclaimed Mr. Black. “ I say, John, leave the tweed, bring the blue worsted one…Yes, the one we have from Gould… it will be just the right size.”

“The blue lounge suit!” Cried the attendant to a small boy. “Run, Ralph, be sharp! Get us the navy worsted lounge suit!”

The boy hurried off, and a second later Danny was trying on a jacket that hung loosely from his narrow shoulders.

Fits you like a glove, sir!” exclaimed the attendant in admiration.” Carefully Danny passed his hand over the pockets of the jacket, his heart almost stopped beating. He had to clear his throat. Then he asked for the price and without bargaining he paid the price of seven and a half dollars and a quarter of an hour later he sat in Columbus Park with a large parcel in his hands. He couldn’t help feeling excited.

Hurriedly he opened the parcel, took out the navy blue jacket in the right inside pocket of which he found a black leather wallet, opened it and began to count the money with shaking hands.

“Eleven thousand three hundred dollars!” he stammered. Eleven thousand three hundred dollars! Danny, old boy, that was big business!”

Speed dating

Speed dating is a formalized matchmaking process of dating system whose purpose is to encourage people to meet a large number of new people

Usually advance registration is required for speed dating events. Men and women are rotated to meet each other over a series of short «dates» usually lasting from three to eight minutes depending on the organization running the event. At the end of each interval, the organizer rings a bell, clinks a glass, or blows a whistle to signal the participants to move on to the next date. At the end of the event participants submit to the organizers a list of who they would like to provide their contact information to. If there is a match, contact information is forwarded to both parties. Contact information cannot be traded during the initial meeting, in order to reduce pressure to accept or reject a suitor to his or her face.

Have you ever thought about going speed dating? It’s something I never really said out loud however it’s definitely something I was always curious about. The whole concept of speed dating is pretty interesting. If you’re a female you basically sit down and have 10-15 males rotate around you every five minutes.

Five minutes can go very quickly if you’re having a great conversation or it can feel like an eternity if the conversation is going south from the start. Part of what makes it better than just meeting some dude at a bar is you don’t have to guess if the other person is single or what they want; everyone there should just be there because they want to date. It also clears up any missed connections since at the end of the round you can decide to match if you want to get in contact with them